Organization of the gepanzert Schützenregiment – 1941
This booklet will cover the “Schützenregiment (gp)” K.St.N.s of 1.2.41. Although Some of the K.St.N.s issued in February 1941 have been found, some were not.
I believe that these K.St.N’s were not used a great deal, because the German units used early war K.St.N.’s, with the changes noted in the issues of Allgemeine Heeres-mitteilungen, until mid-1941. Most of these new K.St.N.’s did not greatly change the early war organizations from what was being used at their time of issue.
Of all the German Army Organizations I have researched, these K.St.N.’s are the hardest to recreate because almost no strength data is available for almost half of these units. Out of 10 units, original K.St.N.’s copies of 4 of them have been found and 2 others have good strength data. There are no good strength reports or other good data sources for the other 4 units. The recreated K.St.N.’s for 3 of these units (1104(gp), 1108(gp) and 1121(gp)) are estimated using 1.11.41. K.St.N.’s of these same units, and other German Army 1.2.41 K.St.N.’s. The strengths of the parts within these units (Gefechstroß, Hilfskranken-trägerstaffel, Verpflegungstroß, Waffenmeisterie, and Gepäcktroß) were assumed to be the same as in similar units issued in early 1941. The Instandsetzungs-dienste units were assumed to be the same as listed in AHA-1940 pages 507-509. The 1.2.41 K.St.N.’s recreated in Book 1 and 2 were used to help estimate gepanzert units shown in this Book (See recreated gepanzert K.St.N.’s in Book 1, and recreated motorized K.St.N.’s in Book 2).
- Larry G. Schaeffer
Larry Schaeffer has put together a great collection of eBooks looking at the German Unit Organization for the early war period (1939-41). Though many of the K.St.N are not available as original documents Larry, through years of research, has been able to recreate theoretical versions of these K.St.N. This is a great resource for anyone with interest in early war unit organization. The eBook has copies of these K.St.N along with the rational for their composition. You can provide feedback directly to Larry using his email address contained in the booklet.
You can download a free copy of the booklet below.